Oct 26, 2011

We Read 100 Steps!!!

These students recieved their 100 step medals!  Keep up the great work and make sure to read at least two steps at home everynight!

Oct 22, 2011

Field Day

Oct 14, 2011

Arts Academy Field Day!

Permission slips went home this week for the Arts Academy Field Day. Field day will be on Thursday October 20, 2011. We will be outside most of the day participating in different games and activities. Please make sure to dress appropriately for the weather and in comfortable clothes. Also please send a bagged lunch (no glass) with your child that day.

Oct 13, 2011

Our students are the BEST!

As a school wide plan we have been teaching student how to be their best. BEST stands  for Behavior, Effort, Scholarship, Teamwork. Ask your child how they have earned BEST cards!

Here are pictures of our class being their BEST! 






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