Here are some examples of students BEST work!
Sep 20, 2011
Sep 16, 2011
Homework Update
We have changed where can find our weekly homework assignments. If you look on the right side of our blog there is a heading called "My Blog List." If you look under that heading there is a page titled homework. Click the link and you will be able to find weekly homework and spelling words!
Sep 10, 2011
Homework Week of 9/12-9/16
No Excuse Words Words of the Week
all and
are but
by this
for had
of from
- Mathsteps page 45-46
- Write the No Excuse Words three times each.
- Bring Back all lunch, media consent and emergency contact forms
- Return signed 100 book challenge contract
- Mathsteps pages 297-298
- Use all of the No Excuse Words in a sentence.
- Return signed 100 Book Challenge Contract
- Mathsteps pages 231-232
- Choose five words from the no excuse word list and use those words in a story.
- Read for 30 minutes.
- Mathsteps pages 213-214
- Study for test (No excuse words)
- Read for 30 minutes
- Mathsteps page 199-200
- Read for 30 minutes each day (2 steps) Record on the reading log.
- We discusses heros this week. Who is your hero? Why?
Sep 7, 2011
Welcome to 2M10
Our classroom theme this year is jungle!
Behavior Management System- "No Monkey Business"
Classroom Jobs- "Hunting for Helpers!"