Dec 28, 2011

Can You Complete The Challenge?

Are you up for the 100 Book Challenge, Challenge? We are challenging each student to read for at least 1 hour (4 steps) everyday while on break. You can fill in your steps on our special red holiday reading logs! If you run out of space make sure you keep logging the steps you read on a separate sheet of paper. We can't wait to see who was able to complete the challenge! 

Dec 19, 2011

Non Fiction Reading and Writing

For the month of December we have been reading non fiction books and articles. In reading the children have been reading a wide range of non fiction books and discussing what they learned, questions and wonderings they have with their reading partners.
In writing each student has been focusing on an animal they are researching. They have been reading articles and books to become experts on their animal. Ask your child what animal they are studying and what interesting facts they have learned.
As part of the homework assignment we asked to send in shoe boxes. This week we will be working on projects that go with our animal research. Check back to our blog soon to see pictures of our animal projects!

Dec 8, 2011

Authors As Mentors

We just finished our writing unit "Author's As Mentors." During this unit we used author Kevin Henkes as our mentor author. We used his books to help us develop our writing craft. We also became big fans of Henkes books and his funny characters. 

Oct 26, 2011

We Read 100 Steps!!!

These students recieved their 100 step medals!  Keep up the great work and make sure to read at least two steps at home everynight!

Oct 22, 2011

Field Day

Oct 14, 2011

Arts Academy Field Day!

Permission slips went home this week for the Arts Academy Field Day. Field day will be on Thursday October 20, 2011. We will be outside most of the day participating in different games and activities. Please make sure to dress appropriately for the weather and in comfortable clothes. Also please send a bagged lunch (no glass) with your child that day.

Oct 13, 2011

Our students are the BEST!

As a school wide plan we have been teaching student how to be their best. BEST stands  for Behavior, Effort, Scholarship, Teamwork. Ask your child how they have earned BEST cards!

Here are pictures of our class being their BEST! 







Sep 20, 2011

Septembers ROARING WORK!

Here are some examples of students BEST work!

Sep 16, 2011

Homework Update

We have changed where can find our weekly homework assignments. If you look on the right side of our blog there is a heading called "My Blog List." If you look under that heading there is a page titled homework. Click the link and you will be able to find weekly homework and spelling words!

Sep 10, 2011

Homework Week of 9/12-9/16

No Excuse Words Words of the Week
                          all                  and
                          are                 but
                          by                  this
                         for                  had
                         of                   from

  • Mathsteps page 45-46
  • Write the No Excuse Words three times each.
  • Bring Back all lunch, media consent and emergency contact forms
  • Return signed 100 book challenge contract
  • Mathsteps pages 297-298
  • Use all of the No Excuse Words in a sentence.
  • Return signed 100 Book Challenge Contract
  • Mathsteps pages 231-232
  • Choose five words from the no excuse word list and use those words in a story. 
  • Read for 30 minutes.
  • Mathsteps pages 213-214
  • Study for test (No excuse words)
  • Read for 30 minutes
  • Mathsteps page 199-200
  • Read for 30 minutes each day (2 steps)  Record on the reading log.
  • We discusses heros this week.  Who is your hero?  Why?

Sep 7, 2011

Welcome to 2M10

Our classroom theme this year is jungle!

Behavior Management System- "No Monkey Business"

Classroom Jobs- "Hunting for Helpers!"

Jul 14, 2011

Back To School Poem

My School Promise by unknown
Each day I'll do my best
And I won't do any less.
My work will always please me,
And I won't accept a mess.
I'll color very carefully,
My writing will be neat.
And I will not be happy,
Till my papers are complete.
I'll always do my homework,
And try my best on every test.
I won't forget my promise,
To do my very best!

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